Import Kistler MDF (KiBox) File and split the PCYL_1 signal into a matrix as shown in steps 1 to 3 in the previous tutorial.
This time, we want to extract a consecutive range of cycles using a start cursor and a definable number of cycles. First, create a Universal 2D-graph by dragging the AD/PCYL_1 signal to the Graphic window. Add also the CD/PCYL_MAX_1 signal which only contains the maximum PCYL_1 value of each cycle. As this signal has a different X-grid, we apply a second X-axis (open dialog via double-click into diagram area).
Image AddedStill, the curves don’t fit together. So we need to adjust the X-axis: Open the axis dialog via double-click into the X-axis and remove the checks for optimized scaling in the both axis dialogtabs.
Image AddedThen, we add the start cursor: Right-click into the diagram area and select Modify… Cursor in the context menu.
Image AddedIn the dialog, enter a speaking Name for later recognition and deactivate the horizontal line as we need only a vertical line. Relate the cursor to the second diagram because this provides the cycle numbers. Center the curser so that is in the visible range and Publish the Index as we need it later on to cut the matrix.
Image AddedTo define the end of the selected range, we use a Value Input to enter the desired number of cycles. Create a Value Input component (menu Graph Editor->Controls). In the dialog, enter a speaking Name for later recognition and a Label for display. A Unit is not needed, so the check can be removed. At least, select Integer as Data type.
Image AddedDrag the graph to a suitable position and enter a number, e.g. 30.
Image AddedThe next step is to determine the start and end cycle.
Start cycle: The displayed cursor index is zero-based, so we need to increase it by 1 for further calculations. Open the Formula Editor for numeric Objects (menu Math->Arithmetic). Enter a speaking name in Result Data and select the Input Data: UCG:1-StartCursor-I.
Image RemovedThe formula is A + 1.
Image AddedEnd cycle: Create a second formula as above and enter a Result Data name. Select UCG:1-StartCursor-I and NumberCycles-V as Input Data and enter the formula A + B.
Image AddedYou can display the calculated start and end cycle values by dragging the data objects into the Graphic window. To visualize the selected range in the diagram, you can add a second cursor for the end cycle. Open the cursor dialog as in step 3 and create a New cursor. Configure the new cursor similar to the first cursor, but this time it is controlled by the calculated end cycle.
Image AddedThe Graphic window should now look like this:
Image AddedIn preparation of the matrix cut to extract the selected cycles, we create a channel which contains the relevant cycle numbers. First, generate a Numeric Channel (menu Extra->Generators). Enter a Result Data name and select x-Grid which produces ascending values. Delta X shall be 1 and the Datatype Integer. Also remove all Units. The result is a channel going from 0 to 499 in steps of 1.
Image AddedNext, we need to adjust the channel properties to the selected values, i.e. the Number of values to the Number of Cycles and Offset X to StartCycle. For this, create a component DataItem->Property (menu Math->Conversions) and enter a speaking name. The Controlling dataobject is the set Number of Cycles and this shall control the Count property of the generated channel SelectedCycles.
Image AddedRepeat this for the second property Offset X.
Image AddedAs a result, the channel SelectedCycles counts from 50 to 79.
This channel, we use for cutting out the selected range of columns out of the cycle matrix. Open the Cuts through Matrix calculation (menu Math->Conversions) and select the cycle matrix CycleSplit as Data-Object. For the X-values, select all values.
Image AddedFor the Y-values, select the filter result SetKnockingCycles_Filtered as Control-Channel.
Image AddedThe resulting matrix only contains the selected range of cycles. To analyse the individual cycles, you can now add a cycle control as described in steps 9 and 10 of the previous tutorial.
In this tutorial, we want to find and select the Median cycle of the selected range using the CD/PCYL_MAX_1 signal. First, we have to extract the selected range from the CD/PCYL_MAX_1 channel. For this, we use the Partial Curve calculation (menu Math->Curve Calculations). Enter a name and select CD/PCYL_MAX_1 for Input Data and StartCycle and EndCycle as Boundaries.
Image AddedThere are several ways to determine the Median.