Import Kistler MDF (KiBox) File and split the PCYL_1 signal into a matrix as shown in steps 1 to 3 in the previous tutorial. This time, we want to extract a consecutive range of cycles using a start cursor and a definable number of cycles. First, create a Universal 2D-graph by dragging the AD/PCYL_1 signal to the Graphic window. Add also the CD/PCYL_MAX_1 signal which only contains the maximum PCYL_1 value of each cycle. As this signal has a different X-grid, we apply a second X-axis (open dialog via double-click into diagram area).  Still, the curves don’t fit together. So we need to adjust the X-axis: Open the axis dialog via double-click into the X-axis and remove the checks for optimized scaling in both axis tabs.  Then, we add the start cursor: Right-click into the diagram area and select Modify… Cursor in the context menu.
 In the dialog, enter a speaking Name for later recognition and deactivate the horizontal line as we need only a vertical line. Relate the cursor to the second diagram because this provides the cycle numbers. Center the curser so that is in the visible range and Publish the Index as we need it later on to cut the matrix.  |