

At this section we want to answer some of the mostly asked questions about general jBEAM usage.


What are the jBEAM system requirements?

CPU: Any modern CPU, the faster the better.

RAM: 1GB minimum, at least 8GB recommended.

Hard Disk: 1GB minimum for program files, at least 4G recommended for temporary files and more.

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows, Windows 10 recommended

  • Linux

  • Mac OS-X

  • 64bit, even 32bit possible

Java Runtime Environment: jBEAM is Java based and comes with a bundled OpenJDK.

jBEAM does not start after updating Java version.

This case only affects customers who do not use our bundled Java, but use their own installation to start jBEAM.

Symptom: Depending on how jBEAM is started, the following error messages appear:

Error: An unexpected error occurred while trying to open file jBEAM.jar -- or -- Error: Could not find or load main class com.AMS.jBEAM_Extern.jBMain

Reason: Starting with version Java SE 8u381 b32 Oracle introduced a new system property, jdk.jar.maxSignatureFileSize, for setting a maximum size of signature files. And the default setting (8MB) is too small for jBEAM. This change affects equally, the other Java versions, such as Java 11 and so on.

See Oracle: New System Property to Control the Maximum Size of Signature Files (JDK-8300596 (not public))

Because there are varous ways to start jBEAM, we will only describe the two most common ones here. If your way of starting jBEAM is not listed here, contact our jBEAM service desk.

In Java 8u401, this value was increased again to a sufficient value (16MB). So that the start of jBEAM is possible again without this parameter. (for more information and versions for Java 11 and higher, see link). https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8313215

Solution for start_jBEAM.bat

We need to insert this new parameter into your existing start_jBEAM.bat file:

  1. Find your jBEAM installation folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\jBEAM-Lab)

  2. Open the start_jBEAM.bat file with a text editor

  3. Find this characteristic if-else-block:

    IF %redirectConsole%==yes ( "%javaExeResolved%" -Ddebug=false -Xmx%maxMemory% -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication "-XX:ErrorFile=%userprofile%\jbCrash_%%p.log" com.AMS.jBEAM_Extern.jBMain -cp "%CLASSPATH%" %importFileParam% SingleInstance=%singleInstance% %startParameters% 1>"%timeStamp%_system.out.txt" 2>"%timeStamp%_system.err.txt" ) ELSE ( "%javaExeResolved%" -Ddebug=false -Xmx%maxMemory% -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication "-XX:ErrorFile=%userprofile%\jbCrash_%%p.log" com.AMS.jBEAM_Extern.jBMain -cp "%CLASSPATH%" %importFileParam% SingleInstance=%singleInstance% %startParameters% )

    Depending on your jBEAM version and individual configurations, the names may be slightly different, but please stay with yours and only add the new parameter as described in (4).

  4. Add this -Djdk.jar.maxSignatureFileSize=32000000 part as first parameter in both lines, i.e.:

    IF %redirectConsole%==yes ( "%javaExeResolved%" -Djdk.jar.maxSignatureFileSize=32000000 -Ddebug=false -Xmx%maxMemory% ... ) ELSE ( "%javaExeResolved%" -Djdk.jar.maxSignatureFileSize=32000000 -Ddebug=false -Xmx%maxMemory% ... )

Solution for jnlp file

If you start jBEAM via Java WebStart technology (jnlp file), proceed as follows:

  1. Find and open your jnlp file with a text editor

  2. In this jnlp file, find this characteristic Quickstart run file block:

  3. Next, find and open this run file with a text editor (the name and location of the quickstart.run may vary)

  4. In this run file, find lines starting with vmarg=… and add this new one:

After saving your changes jBEAM should start as before.

In case of problems, contact our jBEAM service desk.

Where do I find a complete overview about the start parameters of jBEAM?

If you wish to get a complete and up-to-date overview about all possible start parameters of jBEAM including some explanation simple start jBEAM using the ”-help” parameter like:

This will print all available parameters to the console including some advice on how to use them.






Automatically creates the given component at jBEAM start. Please use AutoCreateComponent=com.test.component.MyClass!

Example: -AutoCreateComponent=<TEXT>


start jBEAM application immediate when the applet is started. Default: true

Example: -AutomaticStart=[true/false]


path to jBEAM batch file to be opened when jBEAM starts

Example: -BatchUrl=<http://www.test.com/example.txt


connect to a data service. Syntax: 3 parameters separated by colon: service name (String), server IP address, server port

Example: -ConnectTo=<TEXT>


DEPRECATED! Use "DataDepth" instead. Defines the arraysize all numerical arrays are initialized. Default: 1000

Example: -PreferredDataArraySize=100


the arraysize all numerical arrays are initialized. Default: 1000

Example: -DataDepth=100


If true jBEAM will start in fullscreen mode, otherwise it will be started with normal window size. Default: false

Example: -Fullscreen=[true/false]


Prints this help message and terminates the application


Definition of a data import to be performed by jBEAM automatically. The parameter format is XML as described by the following example:<import name="Sample Importer" type="com.AMS.jBEAM.FileImport_Diadem" src="http://localhost:8080/Foo/bar?file=path/to/file"

Example: -ImportData=<TEXT>


Language of applet and jBEAM instance. Default: the system language if supported or english otherwise

Example: -Language=<TEXT>


Defines a path or URL to a jBEAM layout file which will be loaded on startup

Example: -LayoutUrl=<http://www.test.com/example.txt


DEPRECATED! Use "LayoutUrl" instead. Defines a path or URL to a jBEAM layout file which will be loaded on startup

Example: -LayoutFileUrl=<http://www.test.com/example.txt


Defines the path to the log file. If the file does not exist it will be created

Example: -LogFile=C:\example.txt


DEPRECATED! Use "LogLevel" instead. Defines the default log level

Example: -Logger=[Disabled/Error/Warning/Info/Config/Fine/Finer/Finest]


DEPRECATED! Use "LogLevel" instead. Defines the default log level

Example: -LoggerStartCondition=[Disabled/Error/Warning/Info/Config/Fine/Finer/Finest]


Defines the default log level

Example: -LogLevel=[Disabled/Error/Warning/Info/Config/Fine/Finer/Finest]


defines how much chars will be logged for each log entry. A log limit below 0 indicates to log all chars

Example: -LogLimit=100


defines the maximum size of the log file in megabytes. A value below or equal 0 indicates an unlimited file size

Example: -LogFileSize=0.0


jBEAM visualization mode: Desktop=Normal mode, Presentation=Unmodifiable mode, Service=Headless mode, ScriptServer=Script server mode, ScriptClient=Script client mode

Example: -Mode=[Desktop/Viewer/Service/ScriptServer/ScriptClient]


If true the main frame is displayed undecorated and maximized. Default: false

Example: -Undecorated=[true/false]


jBEAM window with or without menu bar. Menu bar is only available in desktop mode, i.e. if parameter "Mode" is set to "Desktop". Default: true

Example: -Menubar=[true/false]


Start jBEAM in an own window. If false, jBEAM is started in the applet container. Default: true

Example: -NewWindow=[true/false]


path to a custom file to open/import with jBEAM

Example: -Open=<TEXT>


path to BEAM project file (only read if openbin is not set)

Example: -OpenBeamMgc=C:\example.txt


path to binary project file

Example: -Openbin=<TEXT>


Defines the mode for loading the binary project file (requires parameter OPENBIN)

Example: -OpenbinMode=[Clear/KeepExisting/ReplaceExisting/KeepOldAndCreateNew]


Changes the default size (in bytes) of internal data buffers used by selected importers which support this parameter.

Example: -ImporterBufferSize=100


defines the file, which should be used to load and store jBEAM preferences. In headless mode jBEAM reads preferences only if this parameter is set.

Example: -PreferencesFile=C:\example.txt


defines the file, which should be used to load and store global jBEAM preferences. In headless mode jBEAM reads global preferences only if this parameter is set or a global file is existing in local preferences file and local preferences file should be explicitly loaded.

Example: -GlobalPreferencesFile=C:\example.txt


path to a custom file to open/import and print with jBEAM

Example: -Print=<TEXT>


if true print jBEAM project file and exit immediately (requires parameter OPENBIN or OPEN_BEAM_MGC)

Example: -Printbin=[true/false]


path to jBEAM project file

Example: -ProjectfileUrl=<http://www.test.com/example.txt


defines the proxies to try to connect to automatically. Please use Proxies=HOSTNAME:PORT,HOSTNAME:PORT,... !

Example: -Proxies=<TEXT>


defines the port where the proxy should be created automatically. Please use ProxyPort=<PORT>!

Example: -ProxyPort=100


defines the servers to try to connect to automatically. Please use Servers=HOSTNAME:PORT,HOSTNAME:PORT,... !

Example: -Servers=<TEXT>


defines the port where the server should be created automatically. Please use ServerPort=<PORT>!

Example: -ServerPort=100


defines maximum number of jBEAM instances in the jBEAM instance pool of the server

Example: -ServerPoolSize=100


Path or URL to a script file which is executed on jBEAM startup

Example: -ScriptUrl=<http://www.test.com/example.txt


Path or URL to a script file which is executed on jBEAM startup

Example: -Script=<TEXT>


defines the script language for executing the given ScriptURL parameter

Example: -ScriptLanguage=[BeanShell/Groovy/Python/Jython]


connect to server and start serverside import. Syntax: 3 parameters separated by colon: name of the importer class (String):name of the producer (String):import source (URL)

Example: -ServerDataImport=<TEXT>


Service to be started with jBEAM. Provided services: "EnterpriseDataService"

Example: -Service=<TEXT>


indicates that jBEAM is started by shell


defines whether a user-dialogue is shown, if an expected or unexpected error occurs. Usage: ShowErrorMessageDialog=Yes/No/Ask. A dialogue is shown only, if jBEAM is started with GUI. The start parameter value overrides the value defined in the preferences file. However, the value in the preferences file is not modified, if the start parameter is defined.

Example: -ShowErrorMessageDialog=[YES/NO/PENDING]


Display a button for starting jBEAM. This parameter is only evaluated if AutomaticStart is set to false. Default: true

Example: -ShowStartButton=[true/false]


defines the default sync mode for items at server. Use "MIRROR" for automatically sync all items between server and client, use "MANUAL" to display a dialog for item selection or use "NONE" to sync no items between server and client.

Example: -SyncMode=[MIRROR/MANUAL/NONE]


if this option is used, a watcher is created which observes the BEAM project file for changes. (only relevant if a BEAM project file is imported)

Example: -Watch=[true/false]


height of the initial jBEAM window (e.g. 768, 768px, 10cm, 8in, 50%)

Example: -WindowHeight=0.0


width of the initial jBEAM window (e.g. 1024, 1024px, 15cm, 12in, 50%)

Example: -WindowWidth=0.0


horizontal position of upper left corner of the initial jBEAM window (e.g. 50, 50px, 2cm, 1in, 5%)

Example: -WindowLeftPosition=0.0


vertical position of upper left corner of the initial jBEAM window (e.g. 50, 50px, 2cm, 1in, 5%)

Example: -WindowTopPosition=0.0


Title of the application window

Example: -WindowTitle=<TEXT>


Determines the panel is scrollable (only in presentation mode, default: true)

Example: -WindowScrollable=[true/false]


Path to customized icon file.

Example: -WindowIcon=C:\example.txt


Checks the java environment for jBEAM and saves the result to check-result.txt.

Example: -Check=[true/false]


Sets the default directory for temporary files of jBEAM.

Example: -TempDir=C:\example.txt


Defines whether the complete EnCom traffic should be encrypted or not.

Example: -UseEncryption=[true/false]


Defines the file path to the key store for starting a SSL/TLS encrypted EnCom server. The key store usually contains the public and private key for the SSL socket. Defining a key store is mandatory for an encrypted EnCom connection.

Example: -EnComKeyStoreFile=C:\example.txt


Defines the password of the key store for starting a SSL/TLS encrypted EnCom server.


Defines the file path to the trust store a SSL/TLS encrypted EnCom connection. The trust store usually contains public key of the EnCom server as trusted identity.

Example: -EnComTrustStoreFile=C:\example.txt


Defines the password of the trust store for a SSL/TLS encrypted EnCom connection.


Start jBEAM as singleton. Is only supported in combination with java webstart

Example: -SingleInstance=[true/false]


Connect to a Remote-Control-Server (RCS) after start to enable remote controlling of the current jBEAM instance. Use RemoteControlServer="<IDENTIFIER>@<SERVER_NAME_OR_IP>:<SERVER_PORT>"!

Example: -RemoteControlServer=<TEXT>


If set jBEAM will not load libraries from lib folder on startup. Use this to manually edit classpath

Example: -SkipLibraries=[true/false]


Defines the local folder were all jBEAM libraries are stored. This folder will be loaded on every jBEAM startup to load all libraries. The default is "%APPDATA%/jBEAM/lib" on Windows and "%USER_HOME%/jBEAM/lib" for all other Operating Systems.

Example: -LibrariesFolder=C:\example.txt


If this option is set jBEAM will automatically load missing libraries from the webserver and install them to your local library folder.

Example: -AutoLoadLibraries=[true/false]


Defines the source URL for loading missing and updated libraries. The default is "<http://download.jbeam.com/libraries"

Example: -LibrariesSource=<http://www.test.com/example.txt


Defines a channel mapping file for mapping channel names and units.

Example: -ChannelMappingFile=C:\example.txt


Defines the path to a measurement data file (e.g. header file), project file, layout file or multimedia file, which should be loaded on jBEAM startup

Example: -ImportFile=C:\example.txt


Defines comma-separated paths to measurement data files (e.g. header file), project files, layout files or multimedia files, which should be loaded on jBEAM startup in the given order

Example: -ImportFiles=<TEXT>


Defines a proxy for URL connections (http, https, ftp) which is used for most connections made in jBEAM. Use UseCustomProxy=<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<PROXYHOST>:<PROXYPORT> (username and password are optional).

Example: -UseCustomProxy=<TEXT>


If this parameter is set to true jBEAM will use the system default proxy settings for all types of connections (e.g. to http servers).

Example: -UseSystemProxy=[true/false]


DEPRECATED! Use MeasurementStatus instead. If this parameter is set to true jBEAM will start the measurement automatically.

Example: -StartMeasure=[true/false]


This parameter configures the initial measurement status of jBEAM.

Example: -MeasurementStatus=[STOPPED/STARTED/PAUSED]


Defines a connection to a license-server. On startup jBEAM will try to license against this server. Use <SERVER_NAME_OR_IP>

Example: -LicenseServer=<TEXT>


Defines the mode, a license is claimed (one license per machine or one license per jBEAM instance).



Defines the local folder were additional CEA components are stored. This folder will be loaded on every jBEAM startup to load CEA components.

Example: -CeaComponentsFolder=C:\example.txt


Defines the swing look and feel. If not defined, the system-dependent look and feel is used.


How to integrate external libraries into jBEAM start?

Please look here.

Which types of files can be imported into jBEAM?

At the moment, the following  file importers are available:


File Extensions

Filewatcher Support

Channel Mapping Support



File Extensions

Filewatcher Support

Channel Mapping Support



 mdf, mf3, mf4, dat





 txt, asc, csv, ...










 atf, atfx, xml








ParadoxJDBC library needed


 bsn, bsd, bsm, bvm, bxm, bsr, bvr, bxr, bsu





 asc, blf, dbc









 dBase v3-v5











 d7d, d7x, dxd





 dat, tdm, tdms















 fam, dat, raw




 Gantner Universal-Bin-File






 crs, hst, tcx





 asc, _asc, dat, tb














 HBM Catman





 HBM MGCplus-Harddisk-Files





 HBM Perception











 AVL iFile-files




 ISO 13499 (MME)





















 frc, lac, lvl, rds, rlg









 Microsoft Excel

 xlx, xlsx, xlsm





 cdf, nc, he5, nc2










 erg, org, atf_fu, mva




 Porsche PD5





 PTV (Partical Trace Velocity)






 dfq, dfd 



 Racelogic Vbox






 sie, sit





 rpc, drv 




 Teac GX-1






 dat, plt









 Universal FileFormat

 uff58,  unv





 hdr, wdf



WDF with additional Yokogawa license

 Zebris FDM











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